Lunar Witch NFT Collection

She both lights the way and invites you to explore your inner darkness. Her moon magic is potent.
Lunar Witch Doll

Witches join forces! Find your Coven to unleash the awesome power of Lunar Witch. Which will you give your soul to?

The Coven of Celestial Bodies

The most powerful coven.

Harness the mystical power of the moon & stars and bloom in the light.

PrismPower: 666
Moon Spirit
Power: 666
Lunar celebrates the moon with a sacred dance. Her movements ebb & flow like the rhythmic cycles of the moon and it’s pull on the tides. She gives thanks for the cycles of life, harvest & growth, and the fullness & emptiness within and without.
PrismPower: 137
Celestial Magic
Power: 137
Lunar Witch calls upon the fire of the sun and the light of the stars to tap into the spiralling magic of the universe. She lifts the veil of twinkling starlight to reveal a gate to a celestial spirit world. Cosmic spirits enter her, providing the power to heal and grant wishes.
PrismPower: 379
The White Cat
Power: 379
A symbol of purity, innocence and spirituality, the white cat brings prosperity and good fortune to Lunar Witches endeavours. She shows the white cat great kindness and respect as they are known to hold a grudge for many years. If the white cat was to leave her home bad luck and misfortune would befall her.

The Coven of Nocturnal Creatures

Creatures of the night & most loyal companions to Lunar Witch.

These familiars share a dark wisdom.

PrismPower: 13
Black Cat
Power: 13
The black cat with it's wisdom of the night, psychic insight and ghostly grace is Lunar's most trusted familiar. Lunar Witch shapeshifts to the black cat so she can pass unnoticed in the moonlight moving between this world and the underworld.
PrismPower: 222
Moon Moth
Power: 222
The moth is a spirit guide for Lunar Witch, a messenger from her ancestors. It navigates through both the day & night, guiding Lunar on the right path, away from darkness and towards the light!
PrismPower: 663
Power: 663
Also know as Witches' birds, the bat is a powerful familiar for Lunar Witch and has been her companion since birth. It is her main spirit guide and it's energy will never leaver her. It gives her clarity of vision & transforms her into flight.
PrismPower: 77
Power: 77
The owl is Lunar Witches close companion, they share the same secret wisdom of the night. He is a messenger between worlds & can summon other witches to Lunar’s side to join her in a dance under the moonlight.
PrismPower: 44
Power: 44
Lunar Witch was born under a Wolf moon, making the Wolf a fiercly loyal familiar to Lunar Witch, their bond is eternal and their magic is wild. Lunar often rides the wolf, her steed, through the starry wilderness passing into a magic realm beyond our world.

The Coven of Lunar Nature

Illuminate the power of nature with moonlight.

Their magic is potent and full off promise.

PrismPower: 111
Lotus Moon Flower
Power: 111
Lunar Witch plants Lotus Flower blossoms in her star dotted, heavenly pools. Every night under the light of the moon they push through the darkness to bloom on the surface revealing their magical beauty like shafts of starlight. They give her strength, resilience and eternal youth.
PrismPower: 12
Moon Crystals
Power: 12
Like the moon, in order to work her optimal magic, Lunar Witch must release her energy and emotions after she becomes full. She uses crystals to perform a moon ritual to recharge her spirit! Under a full moon, when it's power is strongest, she holds her crystals in her left palm as she reads aloud any negative emotions & energies casting them out to the universe.
PrismPower: 555
Magic Mushrooms
Power: 555
Gathering magic mushrooms by the light of a full moon, when their powers are most potent, Lunar Witch steps inside a fairy ring and is transported to the fairy dance and their wondrous immortal kingdom. However this is fraught with danger, She must not stay long as years pass like seconds & she could be lost to the mortal world forever!
PrismPower: 131
Witches Brew
Power: 131
No ordinary mortal can brew a magical potion. Lunar Witch prepares a Longevity potion, the most difficult magic to perform. This potent brew will give her eternal life and a beauty that shines like the moon. She takes a pinch of glistening dragon scales stirring them carefully into moon water, then she casts in the rarest of ingredients, shimmering star dust.

The Coven of The Dark Arts

Venture into the darker side of Lunar's moon magic.

Cross the veil and commune with the dead.

PrismPower: 99
Power: 99
Lunar Witch calls upon a darker, more insidious magic. She performs these rituals with caution, human skulls harbour impure, disruptive energies and even the intentions of the person it belonged to. It gives her a connection & power over spirits making her will impossible to challenge.
PrismPower: 333
Third Eye
Power: 333
Lunar Witch opens her third eye to the universe & gazes into her crystal ball. Reaching beyond the veil, she communes with the dead to foresee your future. Be cautious she could light your way or guide you into darkness.
PrismPower: 666
Death Card
Power: 666
Lunar turns over a final card from the deck of tarot. It is the most feared card. Death. It reveals she is caught on a path of sweeping change and she cannot escape its effects. Although this may seem unwanted, it also symbolises transformation and a way to clear the old to welcome the new.
PrismPower: 575
Power: 575
6 witches from Lunars Coven of Dark Arts gather. They hold hands to form a circle. She lights 3 candles to attract spirits looking for warmth and light then carefully places her fingertips on the planchette. She calls out to the spirits and the seance begins.

The power of numbers! Discover and unleash the most potent magic of these rare traits.

Unleash the power of Magic Numbers

Combined with your coven's energy, these number allow you to harness a greater magical power.

Power: 666
Power of 3
Power: 666
Lunar walks the path of 3 it gives her unlimited creativity, a human but divine spark and almost superhuman powers. Alive with energy and considered the perfect number, 3 is a powerful, magical number. If 1 is unity and 2 is disorder, add them together you get harmonious 3. However, she must be cautious on this path, 3 also has a darker agenda, 3am is considered to be the devils hour!
Power: 555
Power of 5
Power: 555
Lunar Witch wraps herself with a pentagram of pure starlight. It is the star of life as it binds the 5 elements of nature to create a powerful protection that wards off evil spirits. The upward point represents the spirit. The top right point water and the left point air. The bottom right point fire and the left point earth. Each element contributes and shapes Lunar's life and is intrinsically a part of us all.
Power: 111
Power of 7
Power: 111
7 is the most mystical and magical of numbers. Lunar Witch was born the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. This makes her a formidable witch, she has the power to heal and the gift of second sight. Her spells are stronger than other witch's and more difficult to break. She casts her most compelling magic under the 7 stars, Pleiades, the Seven Sisters.
Power: 222
Power of 8
Power: 222
Lunar Witch unleashes the power of Number 8. It reveals there is no beginning or end to life. 8 is a divine loop of growth, wisdom and a light to guide her journey. It's power and strength has a feminine energy and is also a Lunar number. There are 8 phases of the moon and 12 Full Moons from one Winter Solstice to the next.
Power: 555
Power of 9
Power: 555
Number 9 is the number of magic and a mystical number of the universe. Lunar Witch uses its power to enter other worlds. Under the light of a full moon Lunar twirls in a circle 9 times with her arms raised to the stars, a door opens and she can step into the fairy realm. Once she has entered this other world she will remain there for 9 days and 9 nights before a path of light guides her back to our world.
Power: 666
Power of 666
Power: 666
Her power is infinite and her will is unbreakable. A dark and dreaded Lunar Witch has the “number of the beast” etched on her forehead. This witches mark is a terrible consequence of hiding away from the light for far too long to harness an inisidious darker magic.

She both lights the way and invites you to explore your inner darkness

The first in the Cute & Creepy Dolls Collection
Mint Lunar WitchLunar Witch Evolution
Dead Cute Skull
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